Exhibition | Ecological Niche


This blog won’t deal much with “news” but I’m making an exception for my first exhibition at Hang Art Gallery in San Francisco’s Union Square, running until May 15. I’m fortunate to share the spotlight with Veronica Diament, whose works are also botanically-inspired. Here’s the announcement plus a few shots from the Artist Reception on May 4—if you’re in the Bay Area, there’s still time to see the show!

In my next post I’ll return to my artist residency experience at Mountain Seas Retreat in Tasmania. Stay tuned!


Me with Floreana, inspired by the so-named island in the Galápagos.

Me with Floreana, inspired by the so-named island in the Galápagos.

Center and right, Ecuador-inspired Lagoon and Ghost Isle.

Center and right, Ecuador-inspired Lagoon and Ghost Isle.

Watercolor paintings by Darren Sears and Veronica Diament at the art exhibition "Ecological Niche" at Hang Art Gallery in San Francisco

At right, New Zealand-inspired Great Walk, soon to be with its lucky new owner!